Water Bucks 

A Feature Documentary about Water Management

WATER is a commodity increasingly affected by climate changes and corporate interests.  It’s hard to keep track of all of the issues that make it unavailable for human use.

Drought.  People in many territories across the globe are losing their access to normal water supplies due to climate change and human activities like deforestation.   And her in America, a huge network of dams have interfered with the normal course of rivers. 

Pollution.  Trump signaled February 2017 he will direct the EPA to pave the wave to eliminate the Clean Water Rule.  The oceans are full of plastic, making its way into marine life.  Heavy metals. Biological agents. Chemicals. Petrochemicals.

Privatization.  That’s where the money is. But not for the stakeholders.  Private management is taken by means of long term contracts made by sophisticated lawyers working on behalf of corporate and banking interests.

Commercialization.   Nestle, Coca Cola, Kraft. And thousands of other food companies continuously attempt long term contracts for bottling water.  Think about the fact that you think plastic single use water is somehow cleaner than what you get from the tap.

Water Bucks is about a number of cases in the United States where financial and political collusion have led to privatization of water, water management, and waste water management. Privatization resulted in reduced human access to clean water and has degraded civil life.  This documentary shows the harm caused by the willful and continuing process of abnegation of public management in the face of strong marketing powers of global water utilities.



A film by Carmic Productions

Director: Carole Ryavec

Camera: Inaya Yusef (Bayonne), Michael Flees (Detroit)

Producers: Cheryl R. Williams, Sara Živkovič



How to Support “Water Bucks”

To help us show Americans how to resist bad solutions for government problems, please donate to make post-production possible.  Every case in the film shows that a fundamental issue for democracy was not even considered when politicians chose private actors in infrastructure development. The right issue is “How will our solution make clean affordable water available for all.” Help us make it, and then take this film to a town hall meeting.

Your donations help to pay for finishing funds – sound studios, archival photos and footage, editors, interview shoots, music, and taking the film to market.

What Is Fiscal Sponsorship?

Fiscal sponsorship allows filmmakers to access foundation and government grant funding that may only be accessible to nonprofit organizations or fiscally sponsored projects. It also provides the incentive to donors that their contribution to the project is a charitable deduction for income tax purposes.
The sponsor acts as a nonprofit umbrella organization for filmmakers who are seeking to raise funds and require nonprofit status to do so.

Water Bucks deals with today’s pressing issues – the political forces guiding us to privatize public services.


Your donation can help obtain rights to the archival footage used to show:

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  • 1.310.880.9838

  • Our Address

    Carmic Productions
    124 East 79th Street
    New York, New York 10075 USA